Monday, April 26, 2010

Field Day

Sophie has field day this morning. It rained buckets this weekend.
Cold and gray and muddy out now. Most of the games are inside now.

I did kind of spit this kid out, didn't I.....

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Um, Ella, darlin.....

Pretty sure you ate it all. Every. single. possible. bite. baby!

Bringing ornery back

Oh, yes she is!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Gettin' some learnin' in my head!

Ella and I are spending the day outside soaking up this beautiful
weather. Ella is the teacher. I am the kid. My name is Kid. Ella's
name is Miss Sue. She wants to teach me all about pies. I am 3 years
old. Ella is 35 years old.

Miss Sue told Kid to sit in a small plastic red chair. Kid told Miss
Sue it was too little for her. Miss Sue reminded Kid that Miss Sue is
the teacher and Kid has to obey. So Kid squeezed her silly behind into
that red chair. Then Miss Sue decided that would never work and had
Kid just sit on the floor (or, in this case, the back deck). Then Miss
Sue took the red chair.

Now Kid is in the naughty spot for apparently sitting on Miss Sue's
imaginary friend.

Miss Sue's got some sass to her. Dontchathink?!?!?

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

Pics of the girls to come. I took this picture last week before Ella
and I headed into MOPS. She loves to go early each time to help me set
up. Can you see the ornery all over her face? Trust me-it is there!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Easter Eggs

Dying Easter eggs tonight. All three of my girlies. Having a blast.
Makes my heart happy. :-)