Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Barbie Day

Today is Barbie Day at our house. Ella and I are up to our eyeballs in
them. Snow White (my doll) is the doctor. The other 50 dolls (all
Ella's) are my patients. I've seen 5 sore throats, 10 tummy aches, a
headache, and 8 broken arms/legs. Still have all of these to go. One
doll even came back for a second shot for her strep throat. This child
is hysterical!!!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring Break Time in Tennessee!

The little girls were out on Spring Break this week. Unfortunately, we spent a majority of it dealing with cold and rainy days. Finally, though, we got a great break in the yuckiness on Thursday! The girls and I made a trip to the zoo with their "Aunt Cay Cay". We ended up meeting some friends from church there and had an absolute blast. The weather was phenomenal. We got to see the newest exhibit at the zoo (Grizzly bears, wolves, and elk!). We ended up spending just under 5 hours there, but it seemed like we were only there for a short while. It was, by far, our very best trip to the zoo ever. :-)
The girls ready to head in to the zoo!
This girl is ORNERY, I tell ya!

She may be ornery, but she sure is a cutie patootie!

And she's a ham. And a poser!

This little lamb is getting so much better each day! We are still trying to put weight back on her. But we are so THANKFUL for a great new doctor who is taking great care of her after the struggles we had after her tonsil surgery. I'll have to update on that one soon!

Does this guy have the life or what?????

These guys were having a big old time playing when we made it to their exhibit that morning. We got tired just watching them chase each other all over the place!

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Monday, March 15, 2010

Do you think.....

....she has a future in the fashion industry?