Sunday, August 30, 2009


Please be praying for our sweet Sophie. Tomorrow will start the 4th week of the school year. She is doing so well in school but really seems to be having a hard time adjusting to being a "big girl" now. It is so hard as a mommy to watch her struggle and not be able to help her fix it. She loved school last year and was so excited to head back this year. But the tears came the minute we walked into her classroom. She told me that it made her sad that there were no toys in there (go figure!). I tell you what - it made ME sad that there were no toys in there, too. It just looked like such a grown up room!

In the past couple of weeks, it just seems like she has started really growing and maturing right before my eyes. I mean, I realize that she has been growing since the day she was born, but there is something different about her now. I cannot put my finger on exactly what it is, but I just feel like I do not even want to blink because I will miss something with her. She is growing and maturing into a very sweet and loving little girl. She loves to please. She will write out all of her spelling words for practice and then ask me to draw a smiley face on her paper if I like the way she wrote them.

My very favorite time of the day is when we are walking to school. She holds my hand, helps me push Ella in the stroller, and we pray together. She always asks me to pray for a certain little boy in her class who always has to move his clip. Apparently he has trouble keeping his little mouth closed. Most days she also wants to pray that she makes wise choices. And that SHE does not have to move her clip. She prays a lot about other kids in her class that she is worried about. It makes me so proud of her. She just is such a neat kid. I love it that the Lord puts others on her heart as much as He does. And that she is already willing to listen and act on that. Such a cool thing to witness as a parent!

So, for as well as she seems to be adjusting, we still have lots of fears and tears. Fears over things that are just becoming real to her ("What happens to us if you and Daddy die at the same time?" - yes, she asked me that out of the blue one night during bedtime prayers!). Tears over leaving friends and teachers behind. Everyone warned me that this was a big year of changes and adjusting, but I guess I just assumed Sophie would not struggle with it. Needless to say, I spend a lot of my day thinking about her and praying for her - that the Lord would give her peace and remind her that He is in control. That He would help her to make wise choices and that He would help me as a parent who is struggling to ease her fears.

I now know what people were talking about when they said that becoming a mommy meant you would learn what it was like to have your heart walking around outside of your body. Thank you for loving my little lamb and praying for her. We know that this too shall pass!

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Last Hoorah of Summer

It will take a lifetime for me to get all of our Disney World pictures uploaded and organized, but I hope to get some on here soon.

Our last little "trip" of the summer was the big news at our house. Craig and I planned a huge surprise for our sweet Missy. Last Friday, the girls and I drove down to Oxford and showed up on their front porch. Missy had no idea we were coming and it was SO MUCH FUN being able to pull it off. My girls, of course, had known about the trip for a couple of weeks and were just counting down the days to "Missy's buhprise" (as Ella would say). They were all proud of themselves for making it happen without Missy finding out.

We had a wonderful day in Oxford. We ate lunch at an awesome little restaurant, had ice cream, played at a really neat park, and then hung out at Craig and Missy's house for a while. We came home around dinnertime and my girls were WORN OUT. It was such a sweet time with our Missy. The girls have really missed her since she moved, and I have a feeling she might have been missing them a little bit as well. :-)

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