Saturday, October 31, 2009

Lots of Treats. No Tricks at all.

Today was a wild and crazy day, but it was absolutely WONDERFUL! Sophie has been participating in a camp at our local theatre for the past three months. Two days a week for two hours after school, she headed up to the theatre to be with other community children who like to act and want to learn more about being on the stage. This is the same theatre where John is acting in "Fiddler on the Roof", so the kids in the camp were working on "Fiddler on the Roof, Jr". Sophie was cast as Tevye's youngest daughter, Bielke. She has been loving every minute of this camp.

Today was their first of two performances. It was PHENOMENAL! Aside from Sophie, all of the other cast members were between the ages of 7 and 13. These are some talented children, and we loved the show. Sophie was precious up there. She held her own with those big kids and you could tell she was just soaking in the moment. She delivered her lines right on cue, and John and I were really very impressed with her poise up there.

We got home from that show (after John took Sophie for some celebratory ice cream) at about 4. John had to be back at the theatre at 6:30 for the evening performance of "Fiddler". We let the girls rest for a while because sweet little Ella was sleepy and a little puny - most likely from all of this stinking rain we have been having! Then we got the girls ready for trick-or-treating early so Daddy could go with us.

Luckily, it was light enough outside that I was able to get some pictures of the girls with my good camera. I have yet to get the flash repaired, but it still works great in natural light! :-)

Sophie was a cowgirl and Ella was Minnie Mouse. They were so precious this year. We only went to about six houses before John had to leave for his show, but the girls had such fun.

We are just so blessed. Our girls are healthy and happy. God provides us with these awesome opportunities for wonderful life experiences for our girls. His mercies are new each morning, and we are so thankful for that! Seeing my girls dressed up always makes me yearn for my sister. I know she would just eat them up. I am thankful for the time we had with her. I am also so thankful for the time she had with Sophie. And I know that she wouldn't want to come back from the Paradise she is in now - not even for my little princesses. But I see so much of her in them, and that is such a treat.

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Saturday, October 17, 2009


Pitiful. I am a pitiful blogger! My camera is broken. I feel lost without it. Completely lost. They told me the average repair time on the camera is 6 weeks. SERIOUSLY?!?!?!?!? I feel so naked without it. I am having to make do with cell phone pictures, but it is just not the same.

John opened in "Fiddler on the Roof" last night. He is so great up there. Totally cracks me up! We are getting ready to start rehearsals for "Annie" on Tuesday. I still cannot believe that I am going to be on stage with John, Sophie, and Ella. We are so excited; we are hoping that Ryan will be able to work backstage for the show since she is not going to be in it.

I am still working on pictures from our trip to Jackson Hole. John and I had a wonderful time up there. It was gorgeous! After a hectic summer and beginning to the school year, it was wonderful to be able to just escape for a few days and focus on each other.

I am hoping to get the girls to the pumpkin patch soon. Not sure what I will do without my camera, though. :-(