Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hello, Dolly!!!!

We are trying to get back to "normal" around here. Whatever normal is after these past two weeks. Miss R is doing remarkably well. She never ceases to amaze us with her maturity, poise, strength, and unshakeable faith during a time that would bring most adults to their knees. She is relying on us, her friends, and our church family for support. But, most importantly, she is relying on her Heavenly Father, her Author and Creator, her Fortress and her Refuge, to bring her through this.

Just before her mother's death, we had finished celebrating her performances in Briarcrest's production of "Hello, Dolly!", her first on-stage role. It was such a delight to watch her up there. She had a blast and we were on cloud nine watching her fulfill that dream. Cannot wait for the fall production now! 

Love to you all. Thank you for the calls, texts, e-mails, visits, meals, cards - everything you have done to show us Christ's love in action during this storm. We are still PRAISING Him!!!!

With her Daddy after Opening Night

Me and my sweet Miss R after Opening Night

With Miss R. and her best friend - Opening Night

So typical with these two clowns!!!

The little sisters LOVED it. Miss E sings it all day long!

Her Marmie could not hug her tight enough
 on Closing Night :-)

With her Daddy on Closing Night

With her Marmie on Closing Night

We are so proud of you, precious one! 

Psalm 9:1-2 "I will praise You, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will tell of Your marvelous works. I will be glad and rejoice in You; I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High."

Monday, March 9, 2009

Might need some IV fluids....

The pediatrician sent us over to the hospital. Ella is not completely
dehydrated but he thinks fluids will make her feel sooo much better.
Will keep you posted. Obviously, she does NOT feel well!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

An Interview with a 5-Year-Old

I saw this on a couple of friends' Facebook pages and thought it was hysterical. I gave it a shot tonight with Miss S. It went as follows:

An Interview with Miss S, age 5
March 5, 2009

1. What is something your mommy always says to you? I love you.
2. What makes your mommy happy? When I am nice.
3. What makes your mommy sad? When I hit E.
4. How does your mommy make you laugh? She tickles me.
5. What was your mommy like as a little girl? She ate cookies.
6. How old is your mommy? 18
7. How tall is your mommy? 17 inches
8. What is your mommy's favorite thing to do? Play with me.
9. What does your mommy do when you're not around? (This one came with two answers from Miss S) (a) Is this a contest or something? & (b) The babysitter comes.
10. If your mommy becomes famous, what will it be for? (again, two answers....) (a) posing (?) & (b) making the best macaroni
11. What is your mommy really good at? Cooking
12. What is your mommy not very good at? Nothing
13. What does your mommy do for her job? Read
14. What is your mommy's favorite food? Sushi
15. What makes you proud of your mommy? When I ask her to play with me and she says ok.
16. If your mommy were a cartoon character, who would she be? Hello Kitty
17. What do you and your mommy do together? Go on walks
18. How are you and your mommy the same? We both have brown hair.
19. How are you and your mommy different? My fingernails are pink and hers are white.
20. How do you know your mommy loves you? She kisses me.
21. What does your mommy like most about your daddy? They have dates together.
22. Where is your mom's favorite place to go? To get me some ice cream.

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Big Snowstorm - March 1, 2009

We had so much fun with this round of snow. It was the real deal! I think we had 6 to 8 inches in some places in our backyard. This was two days after we had high temperatures of 70 degrees. Welcome to Memphis weather!