Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow Day Pictures

Ellie tasting the snow

Ellie not realizing the snow would be quite so cold!

Gotta try one more bite, though!

Sophie already knew she would love it!

Our house in the snow

Ellie was getting a kick out of this whole thing!

Sophie making her snow angel.

A bag of snow for Daddy. We put it in the freezer for him.

Snow Day!!!

They were talking it up last night - SNOW! ICE! SLEET! BAD ROADS! Blah, blah, blah.... I woke up at 6 a.m. and schools were listed as OPEN. Preparing myself to talk it up to Sophie and remind her that we did get a little snow last week and that surely it would snow again soon. Well, then John looked out the window. Snow coming down and STICKING ON THE STREETS!!! Within five minutes, it came across that Sophie was, indeed, getting a snow day. 

It is all that I can do to let Sophie sleep this morning. I am so excited to see her reaction that I want to go wake her up right now. Self control, Mommy. Practice some self control. Charging the battery now to get lots of good snow day pictures for this blog.

On another note, please continue to pray about my eye. I have not regained any of the vision back. I am patching as much as I can, but the headaches seem to be inevitable right now. Please pray that, if it is the Lord's will, I will regain some of my vision sooner than later. Please do not misunderstand me - I am not blind in that eye. It is not completely black. I am literally looking through a lesion of fluid. I cannot focus with that eye. I cannot read out of that eye. I can see things far away out of that eye, but it is literally like looking underwater at everything. Just wanted to clarify that as I have had some people think that I was literally seeing black out of that eye.

Please also pray for protection for me from a hemorrhage in the other eye. I have those same histo spots in that eye, so it could just as easily do what the other eye has done. I really do not want to borrow trouble, but I would love to be covered in prayer over it. Love you all!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Snow Video for Mimi

It is SNOWING at our house!!!

The girls have been so sad about not getting to go see my mom last weekend. They were so looking forward to playing in the snow while we were there. Well, the prayers for a distraction for our sweet Sophie were so sweetly answered this morning when we woke up to SNOW FLURRIES!!!! She was so excited. She even made a video message for her Mimi to see that we got snow at our house. Of course, it is no longer coming down and the sun is out. It was so fun and beautiful while it lasted, though!

I will post the video soon.....

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Mommy the Pirate

So, this has been one really long week already at the Koski house. Back in November, I had a hemorrhage in my right eye. Long story short (or as short as this explanation can be and still make sense), I have scar tissue in both eyes. At some point in my childhood, I developed something called histoplasmosis. Apparently, it is a big thing here in our neck of the woods and lots of people get it and have no clue that they have it until it starts causing problems later in life. I am the perfect example of that!

I have known for years that I had histoplasmosis because the eye doctor could see the scars (called histo spots) in my eyes at my annual exam. I saw a retinal specialist when we first found the spots and he confirmed that they were not active, so we just needed to keep an eye on it (no pun intended!). Well, back in November, one of the scars decided to grow and it found a blood vessel close enough to it; thus, the hemorrhage in the eye. Because it is so close to my retina, I was able to notice changes in my vision that were a cause for concern. I went in and was sent immediately to a retinal specialist for evaluation of the hemorrhage. 

He explained to John and me that they treat these things by injecting the eye with a cancer drug that has been found to help dry up the blood, but has not been FDA approved for that use. However, their case studies have shown that it is effective. So, I had injection #1 back in November. We have to wait one month between injections. I was due to go back the week of Christmas, but his office had to cancel our appointment. My file fell through the cracks a little and they put me off until February. 

Called on Monday because my vision was really getting bad in that eye. They had me come in that day and he confirmed that the hemorrhage is, indeed, growing instead of shrinking. Very well could be because they did not get me in there at the end of December. So, after another injection on Monday, I had a reaction and my eye basically spit the medicine back out - not sure how much stayed in there and the eye swelled up (sorry, I know it is so yucky!). Went back today for a follow-up appointment for the reaction and it has gone away almost completely. The pain is much more bearable today, so for that I am really thankful.

My vision is no better than it was on Monday, but he still thinks that the hemorrhage is shrinking. We go back on February 17 for another injection. In the meantime, he gave me the go-ahead to patch my eye so that I can focus on reading, writing, driving, etc. without getting a massive headache from trying to focus with an eye that basically only works in one half of the eye. So, we are now patched. And Ella is getting a huge kick out of it. Apparently, I am now the only pirate at our house.  :-)

The one really bad thing about my eye having a reaction is that I had to cancel a trip to Cincinnati for Sophie and Ella to visit with my mom and stepdad. There was just no way the doctor was going to let me fly in that much pain and not knowing for sure that the medicine was going to reverse the reaction. Luckily, he told me today that I will be cleared to fly by this time next week, so for that I am thankful. The girls and I will head to Cincinnati in March during Sophie's spring break, so we have something to look forward to. Thank you to all of you who prayed for Sophie as I broke the news to her. I could feel your prayers and she is already doing much better about the whole thing.

Please pray for my eye. Pray for the medicine to work. Pray for peace in my heart as I remind myself that our God is WAY BIGGER than this vision loss. He took it away and He can give it back. Or He can choose to keep it the way that it is. No matter what, He is in control. I am resting in that. I am scared and I am frustrated and I am sad, but I am okay. He is STILL holding me in the palm of His hand. Thank you to all of you sweet friends who prayed for me this week as I was in and out of the specialist's office. Your calls, notes, e-mails, and text messages were so uplifting to me. I wish there was more I could say because thank you sounds so insignificant. Just know that you all have been such a testimony to Christ's love in action, and my family loves you all very much!

Now that I can actually focus again, I will work like a madwoman to get more pictures up! Thanksgiving, more Christmas, and Ella's "Pancake and Pajama" party coming right up.......

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sophie on the Computer

So, this is what happens when the 5-year-old figures out how to work the computer camera (and the silly effects that come with it) on her own.....

Oh, there are so many more that I could post. Will have to do it when I can SEE CLEARLY what I am doing (UGH!!!) Anyway, I just stumbled across these and laughed out loud, so I thought you might as well. She loves doing this and at times will make herself start cackling at the pictures she took. As you can imagine, it keeps her busy for long stretches of time!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Happy Birthday to Ella

Precious Charlotte Eleanor,

We cannot believe that you are already three years old. It seems like just yesterday we were holding your new little self in our arms. Yet, at the same time, it seems so long ago. It is hard to remember our lives without you. You are a joy to us. We thank God for you each and every day. You truly did come into our lives after such a very dark time. You brought joy and happiness and light back into our lives. We love being your mommy and daddy. We praise the LORD that He handpicked you for us. We pray that you will grow up to be a young woman whose sole purpose is to love, honor, and glorify HIM.

Daddy and Mommy

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Christmas Eve

A little slideshow of our Christmas Eve festivities. I know - I am going backwards here with the posts. I will get caught up!!!